Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Hawk Harbor - And North Shore Trapping - Take Two

On the weekend of September 13 through 15 I took advantage of the invitation given to the Minnesota Falconers Association to come up to the North Shore of Lake Superior and camp a couple nights on the private land owned by longtime club members Frank Taylor and his wife Trudi. Frank has had access to trap migrating raptors for scientific banding in a large hay field near the shore. He has been doing this volunteer work for 55 years! Some unconfirmed time after he began doing this a little plot of land across from that hay field became available, and he purchased it. It has become his home away from home in the Autumn during migration season. He has christened it "Hawk Harbor". There are several trailers parked on his land, for his use and some of his family, as well as by his friends who help with the banding project. The community is primitive at best. A portalet (portable toilet) makes it useable for larger groups. It was definitely a large group that eventually turned out for this fun weekend.

Wildflowers along the roadside still bloom, but the touch of fall is apparent. The decreasing daylight hours, along with cooling evenings, spur birds that went North to breed, as well as the offspring produced during the Summer nesting season, to take wing and seek better living arrangements away from the changing season. Many will fly all the way to Mexico and South America. Following the movement of the passerines, the smaller perching birds (sparrows, warblers, robins, jays, doves) the raptors migrate as well, traveling with the living food that will sustain them on the journey.  

There are several migration flyways that have been identified, with one of the largest funneling birds from far North Canada down and around the Great Lakes, continuing to follow the mighty Mississippi River. This particular route is uninterrupted by any mountain ranges and has sufficient water and marshlands for birds on the move to find food and good cover for resting at night. Certain pinch points offer excellent opportunities to capture these migrants. The North Shore of Lake Superior is one of them. Birds don't want to fly over the open water, or lack thermals, rising warm air, that makes flying a long journey much easier, so turn and follow the contours of the shore. 

This is the second time I have visited Hawk Harbor. I did this previously eight years ago. Here is the link to that visit and blog post.

Hawk Ridge is located on the spine that runs along the shore, not far from Hawk Harbor. Counters tally the daily movements of birds, but especially raptors. They have been doing this for about 50 years, so Frank has been at it just a little longer. He knows many of the people that volunteer there, and is known by many of them. You can read about this conservation organization here: Hawk Ridge. Some days, when the wind is right, there are thousands of birds kettling above the ridge. This is the term used to describe a large quantity of birds circling in a thermal, a warm mass of air that is rising. They ride this warm air up, energy free, then break out at the top and glide to the next thermal. In this fashion they can fly great distances without expending a lot of precious energy. Hawk Ridge is one of many counting locations across America and the world that keep records going back years. They also have a trapping and banding site out of the public eye. As you can see from this screen shot below, the two days I was in the area were not great migration days. It was, however, very nice weather for camping. Not too cold at night, not too hot in the day.

I arrived later afternoon and set up my tent. There would not be as many people around on Friday, with most coming up on Saturday. What you can't see from this picture is that I tried out for the first time my new cot. Last year Rich and I camped only once, and we have now decided we are just too old to be sleeping on the ground. One cot is a tight fit. Two, and there will be no room to move around, so I may be in the market for a bigger tent.

I did get the chance to meet Frank's special guests for the weekend. Last year at the NAFA meet (North American Falconers Association) he befriended A.J., the young man to my right, and his father Derrick. A.J. really wanted to trap and train and hunt with a sharp shin. He lives in Arkansas, and I guess they are not as common there. He networked and arranged with Frank to come up this fall, and got the necessary permit and leg band, and was sky fishing on these poor migration days. His efforts paid off, and he caught a nice female shin to take home. They didn't stay for the picnic, but did head off on Saturday afternoon to get back home. They had a long drive ahead of them.  Good Luck A.J. with your new hunting partner!

Above on the far left is Rick, one of Frank's long term friends and trapping companions who has been helping out about 50 of the 55 years Frank has been doing this. There was a third gentleman, but he now is unable to participate due to health reasons.

So, let's take a look at this trapping set-up.

This is the close-up view. The blind is on the left, a permanent structure that can house about 8 people comfortably. Maybe more if they all squeeze together. There is a high standing viewing window, and you can see someone peering out with binoculars, and a low sitting window. There is a door on both sides, with guests and trappers/banders entering on one side, and a door facing the nets that one specific bander works the lure pigeon and runs out to catch incoming birds that get caught in the nets. What is not easy to see, by either humans or hawks, are extensive fine mesh nets in front of and behind the lure pigeon, which is secured with a thick leather vest to a line. Trappers view across the hay field towards the horizon. When migrating raptors are seen the lure bird is pulled, causing it to flap its wings and look like an easy breakfast/lunch. If you are lucky, the hawk will notice and target onto the lure, and fly right into the nets, where it is then extracted and processed (measurements taken), then released shortly after with a little bit of jewelry it will wear for the rest of its life.

Even a short distance away you don't notice there is an artificial structure set up. It is designed this way to not alarm the hawks. Setting up the nets with dark and shady woods behind breaks up any silhouette the nets may have, making them practically invisible. Below is a brief video of the hay field the trapping blind overlooks. 

Halfway across the field a decoy owl has been set up. Many smaller raptors, merlins especially, just truly HATE owls. As they come in from the horizon they target the owl and harass it, not realizing it is not alive. The trappers at the end of the field see them, and then yank the lure pigeon. Most hawks give up the chase on the owl to instead go after an easy meal of what appears to be injured pigeon.

When this is all successful, the captured hawks are processed, that is certain measurements taken, and then a traceable band is placed on them. In future, if they are trapped again, or if their body is discovered after death, the band has information to submit where they were found. Half a century of these kinds of records have revealed migratory patterns and populations of birds.

Here is Frank banding a bird and explaining the process:

After banding the bird is safely released, after pictures are taken, to return to their migration. If there are guests visiting the blind they get to take a turn at releasing any trapped hawks with their new jewelry.

On the Saturday morning I was there we caught a juvenile sharp shinned hawk, or "Shin" for short,

An accidental blue jay that we did not intend to catch, but that just accidentally flew into the net,

And an adult sharp shinned hawk. Notice the adult has a lot more color to its feathers, and the eyes start to take on a red tone. Old accipiters, the class of raptors that sharp shinned hawk belong to, that is the true forest hawks, get blood red eyes as they age.

All too often there is what are called "bounce outs". The trapping team knew a shin had flown into the area as the local blue jays were alarm calling. You'll hear on the video above a squeaking sound, which is Frank using an injured bird call. The hawk was up in the tree canopy but had not yet committed to trying to go for the pigeon. The injured call excites them and makes them dive in. This one did, but failed to either contact with the lure pigeon, get snagged in the front net, or the back net, and just bounced out and went on its way.

For most of our morning we were just scanning the skies, or watching the local blue jays come eat some of the corn Frank had poured out in the grass. When truly bored, Frank counts how many pieces of corn a jay can stuff in its crop. That sum seems to be about 20.

Here was the group shot of those who attended the blind on Saturday morning. There is an overflow spot off to the side where extra people can sit behind a disguising tarp and just watch the action. Most weekends Frank has people from all over visit, from boy scouts to birding groups. He very much loves what he does and sells his enthusiasm to everyone.

After the morning trapping session I left and went to change my clothes, then drove into the nearby town, Two Harbors, to buy some lunch and just look around. I did stop in at a famous pie restaurant to snag a piece of pie.

I returned just in time for a group picture before our guests from Arkansas packed up and headed out to return home. Many more club members were arriving now.

As the afternoon wore thin, and the migrating hawks even more so, Frank called it quits and came back to camp. A hot-dog dinner was served, and visiting commenced.

This was our final group shot for the weekend gathering.

As night came on a fire was built, and then tales were shared as it got late. Into the night, one by one, people left to their respective sleeping set ups. I didn't notice how late I got to bed, but I don't think it was too significantly late as we would rise again early for trapping the next morning.  

In my journey into Two Harbors I found a rare gem for myself. I was able to enjoy this very tasty brand of ginger beer I had discovered a couple years ago. I can't find it locally anymore, but did find some in one of the smoked fish stores. It was a delightful fireside drink.

As I settled into my tent to sleep, there was a forest denizen that visited and did not appear to be too very happy about all us extra humans around. There is a protective cage behind the tree line that the trap pigeons are placed into for overnight storage. It is possible the most likely fox smelled them and wanted that for dinner, but as it got close it smelled us humans, and was not happy.

Or it was a chupacabra!!

The next morning, Sunday, I was up early and went to the blind again for morning trapping, but it was a very dull morning, and nothing was seen the two hours I was there. I returned to camp and took advantage of the hospitality of one of our club members who made eggs and bacon for us all.

Thanks, Don, for the tasty eggs!

After eggs I decided a second cup of coffee was in order. 

That accomplished I packed up my tent and started the drive back home.

It was an enjoyable weekend, and a delight to camp for the first time this year. I'm going to need to buy a cushion mat for between my sleeping bag and cot, as it is a bit too firm for comfort. Still, I had a good time. It would have been better if there was more trapping action, but like fishing, nothing is guaranteed.

Let the Hawking Season Get Going!!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

How to Tame (Re-Tame/Re-Train) Your Dragon

This will be Seneca's 4th Falconry Season, but she is 3 years old, as we take them when they are only a few months old, and they complete their first season before they reach their first birthday. She has been idle for a year, as my season last year only lasted about a month. My new knee feels FANTASTIC, and I look forward to getting back out and enjoying this sport. 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Kestrel Kamp

Beginning on July 21 my home became Kestrel Kamp for a little baby kestrel that was going to spend time away from its first home, and prior to going to its new home. My friend Fox wanted to take a new kestrel to raise and imprint, however she was most unfortunately going to be out of state, in fact out of the country, during the critical window when this baby would be available. I was willing to pull the baby at the appropriate time and begin the imprinting process, handing it over to her when she returns.

We have a fellow falconer and kestrel enthusiast who has a very successful nest box in his back yard. His resident pair had already raised a family this year, starting rather early as kestrel breeding season goes, giving them ample opportunity to make a second go at it for another set of babies. He has a camera in his nest box so can watch the goings on in the box without disturbing the family. This was a peek into the box on the previous Friday, July 19. Feathers were just starting to appear, allowing the ability to pick one that would most likely be a female. I arranged to stop by on the Sunday morning just after I got off work. We ended up picking the largest eyas, which fortunately did turn out to be a female. I was helped to put the nestling's leg band on, and then I took her home to settle her in.

She would reside in a large plastic bowl, which happened to be a Halloween candy dish of which Rich's auction habit provided me with several to choose from. I would be able to change out her substrate of paper towels to keep her nest clean. All too very quickly her natural instinct of pooping up and outside the nest would decorate the area around where I was keeping her. I gave her a couple sock companions to lean on, but she quickly didn't need that. Upon our arrival home I fed her the first of many meals, a skinned and cut up mouse. She gobbled it down, then settled in to sleep, as I too had to do, as it was a work night for me.

I kept her upstairs in my guest room, safely out of reach of my dogs, on the bed, with protective old towels covering the bed spread. I decided to slip her nest bowl into this large cage I had on hand, which turned out to be a wise decision, as all very quickly she started hopping out of her nest. I didn't want her wandering around the room upstairs when not watched. Also, I felt the extra heavy duty cage would be one more layer of protection for her, unwatched in my upstairs room, as I have had a history of rats getting into my home twice in the 12 years we have lived there. I didn't want an opportunistic rat to come along and eat this precious baby.

Her first couple days she was just a cute little fluff ball, huddling low in her nest when I came in. She would perk up quick when food was offered, which came a regular 3 times a day, and consisting of an entire mouse, skinned, but all bones and most of the internal organs for all the nutrients to grow a baby kestrel.

When I was not working, I would spend time with her, cuddling her, and imprinting her to human contact. This will forever alter a baby bird to habituate to people, but that was the plan.

She was quite the personable muppet!

As she grew, which she did quickly, she would climb up my shirt and hide behind my neck.

Within just a few days her feathers were busting out all over. She now clearly showed the pattern to prove she was a female. Kestrels are one of the few raptor species that actually have a different feather pattern between male and female. Mostly with falcons you have to go with size to decide which is which.

She became a bit indignant of me picking her up to weigh her, which I did every day to track and make sure she was growing and putting on weight.

All too quickly she went from a fluff ball into being a bird.

She began to not be as interested in hiding behind my neck, as climbing higher, and possibly fledging, to check out higher perches, which she would have been close to doing has she remained in the wild.

On one of the last couple days before she would go to her new and final home I took a video of the feeding process. She was so very close to beginning self-feeding.

Just as she was reaching full size, and slowing down on the ravenous pace of eating she had been at for the two weeks she was with me, my friend came home, and she was introduced to her new mamma. Fox will continue the imprinting process, which is made all the more challenging now, as she is flighted and is putting those wings to good use. Fox works from home, so can give her a lot more one-on-one time than I could as a full-time working stiff.

Her name is Raincutter!

Fox is partial to dragon names from How to Train Your Dragon. After all, she is a tiny dragon!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


I realized recently that I had not made an entry here for the new dog at our home. I had posted on FB, but need to put something here.

After Gryphon's passing I was really quite OK with the idea of just having one dog. However, Oliver very quickly demonstrated that he wasn't good with this plan. He started to show signs of separation anxiety, and a loss of interest in life. He was not enthusiastic about eating, or doing pretty much anything. Rich also started offering up possibilities of new puppies. So, to prevent a sudden arrival of a tiny dog infant, I went out and looked on PetFinder. Much to my amazement, I found this girl. 

She was at the Coulee Region Humane Society in Onalaska, a suburb of La Crosse. I know this place as I had lived in La Crosse from 2007 to 2009. I saw her profile on the evening of April 20, and filled out the application that evening. I then went to Onalaska the next day and arrived just prior to their opening for viewing. I confirmed they had received my application, and met her. She came with the name Nova, and I figured that was a good enough name to keep.

I was delighted to find out I was the first person to express interest in adopting her. A lovely young German Shepherd like her would not be long in a rescue organization. I had all the proof with me of my excellent care of my current dog, vet records and such, so I was quickly green lit to get this girl. Rich and I returned on the following Tuesday with Oliver so they could meet, and it was quickly evident they would get along just fine. She came home with us that day.

As of this blog post, we are over one month since her arrival to our home. She seems to have settled in pretty good, and her personality is coming out more. She gets abundant meals to fill out her overly lean frame, as she seems to have missed some meals in her early life. She seems to have a very sweet disposition, but I'm not terribly convinced about her intelligence at this time. House training has frequent hiccups still if we are not paying close attention.

But both dogs are good for each other. Oliver seems to be very happy to have another canid in the house with him. She is absolutely obsessed with him. They are good for tiring each other out.

I have her signed up for a beginning obedience class in June. She's a bit apprehensive in novel situations, so needs work to curb her neophobic tendencies. My friend Foxfeather has two new pups herself, and I'd like to get her used to going over there for play dates. Our first attempt didn't work out so well, but she was still pretty new to me. Of course Oliver loves going over there, as she has two 2-year old boy dogs that he loves to roughhouse with, and they him. Hopefully we can integrate her into the dog fun. 

Monday, May 13, 2024


The Sun is currently in a very active state. There are an increased number of sun spots, as observed with telescopes (and much more sophisticated instruments and satellites by NASA), that are putting off explosions of particles. Whereas these spots are somewhat cooler than the rest of the sun, they are more subject to fluctuations in the magnetic field of the sun, resulting in the explosions. These are called coronal mass ejections (CME). The sun rotates as all bodies in our solar system do. In this way, some of these hot spots turn into our firing zone. If a CME happens at just the right time, these charged particles are shot at the Earth, to arrive a couple days later. Our magnetic field protects the Earth, directing these particles towards the poles. The particles interact with our upper atmosphere, exciting the gasses into a plasma state, that glows. We call this the Aurora Borealis in the Northern Hemisphere (Aurora Australis in the Southern Hemisphere), and it is a common sky feature for those living in the far Northern and Southern latitudes.  However, if a storm is particularly energetic, the sheer mass of the particles in the atmosphere can cause the aurora to be observed much farther from the poles.

On Friday 5/10/2024 a very powerful storm reached the Earth. There are many apps out in the internet world to track and be alerted about impending auroral activity. Just because the conditions are favorable does not mean there will be observed aurora. The dancing storms are fickle! However, on Friday evening the Kp-index hit a 9!! That is insane! Most storms I have seen any sky activity from are in the 6 to 7 range. There are other parameters that help to determine if aurora is go/no-go. On Friday, all indicators were in the GO range. 

And how BEAUTIFUL it turned out!!

To the naked eye, I could only see what looked like increased light pillars. However, a camera set to night mode captures the colors. Fortunately for me, I had just purchased a brand new cell phone that has night mode capabilities. My previous cell camera did not have this feature. There was a previous strong solar storm on March 23, 2023, which Rich and I were at home for and there was a clear sky (not an often line-up for us) where we saw the white (to our eyes) plasma dance around the sky, pulsating high into the zenith of the sky arch. We captured a couple pictures, but nothing spectacular. This time we both had cameras to capture images for memory.

Here is a link to a very nice article that fully explains what an aurora is. The various colors are the different gasses that are excited by the charged solar particles. Green is usually Oxygen. Purple, blue and pink are Nitrogen. This is happening very high in the atmosphere, some 80 miles or so. 

I have had a front row observation to only one other extraordinary storm in my life. Based on historical data, and my memory of the event at the time, that must have been the storm of July 27, 2004. That was during my previous life, with my first husband, in Wisconsin. I remember the storm being so strong we laid out on the lawn on a blanket in our very rural and dark sky home. The white plasma plumes flashed actively and quickly and repeatedly across the sky all night long. 

There are some times I don't fully appreciate living as far North as I do now. It can be very cold in the winter, and the snow and ice annoying at times, but because of my location I have a greater chance than much of the continental US to see aurora when a strong storm occurs. For that, I don't mind where I live.