Tuesday, January 10, 2023

2023 Season Live Nest Cams

2023 Season Live Nest Cams

I will add them here as they become active.

This is for MY reference, because I like nest peeping at raptors. 

I came across this cartoon in the middle of baby season. Definitely belongs here.

Bald Eagles Go First!

The female in this nest has gone AWOL, but the male is doing a pretty good job of taking care of his chicks. There is an occasional interloper/possible unmated female looking to horn in on the deal?? 

Chicks have fledged!

(1570) Window To Wildlife - YouTube

(1570) bald eagle - YouTube

I dunno about this pair. PIP watch on 2/15, but parents have been spending a lot of time off the eggs.

3/7/23 - Ravens eat the eggs. They were not fertile.

(1624) PixCams - YouTube

Eagle Cam - Dulles Greenway

Our "local" eagles, up here in Minnesota/Iowa, won't start laying until February, with hatch in March, but the adults are working on the nests and pair bonding.

First Egg Laid 2/20/2023 late in the evening (8:50 pm). DNF went into a zone for 50 minutes after laying before she finally tucked egg in under her blanket.

There has been a long delay, and no #2 egg here in the expected window. Will there just be one this year?

And now, lots of drama at the nest. Egg left exposed for too long. Not viable. Male continued to sit, but egg broke on 3/22. Will they re-nest??  Nope!

First Egg Laid 2/25/2023 afternoon.   Second egg laid 2/28/2023 afternoon.

Hatch of first egg started 4/4. There is a fuzzy chick on the morning of 4/5. First chick would not survive his first day, but second chick doing fine. These are apparently new parents and they had to learn all about how to care for their baby. Unfortunately the first chick paid the price of their inexperience.

Geese are Baaaaaaack at Decorah unused nest. They have their own cam now. Seven eggs laid, six hatched, one didn't make the jump.

First Egg Laid 2/15/2023
Second Egg Laid 2/18/2023
3/1/23 - one of the eggs broke  :-(
Chick hatches late on 3/26. Welcome baby! No siblings to fight over food with.

Sadly, early on the morning of 4/2 the nest collapsed. Baby did not survive.

White Tailed Eagles, Latvia

(60) Latvian Fund for Nature - YouTube

Latvia - a favorite to listen to, especially in their mornings. Very nice background bird singing. Chick hatch on 4/14.

Somewhere around 5/7 or so something wrong with the cam. Maybe a baby pooped on it. Not sure.

(314) orlan.beloxvost - YouTube    (Also Imperial Eagle)

Golden Eagles

Lucina (female) and Caliman (male) have their first egg in the nest as of 3/23/23. Second egg laid 3/27. Chicks hatch starting 5/5 and 5/7.

(139) Kotkaklubi - YouTube    (monitor for addition - not looking active)

Red-Tailed Hawks

After sooooo much anticipation and concern that she may be too old for eggs (this gal is 20 years old) she finally put the first precious egg into the nest on 3/30.  Second egg arrived during the day on 4/2. Third egg morning of 4/5.

May 6 is first hatch. Second follows on 5/7. I didn't notice date for third egg.

First fledge on 6/22.

(Nest not used this year. Keep here for reference next year.)

First Egg on 3/24/23! Second egg on 3/27?
First hatch 4/28/23. Then sadly the next morning, when the new male first meets his chick, he does not know what it is, and kills it.

BIG learning curve on this nest. Tom does not seem to get the message he needs to bring food to the nest. Angel gets tired of waiting and goes and does it, but leaves baby at home alone. There are Blue Jays and Mockingbirds pestering the nest. Hopefully enough food will come in to keep it alive and growing.

Tom seems to be slow to learn to not hurt his chick, and then to bring food. Some nail-biting times. Hopefully he'll learn his role.

Tom would go on to learn his job, and he and Angel raised up a single chick, which would be named Deyani. She/He is not leucistic, but definitely lighter in color with more white, and the tail has Krider's qualities to it. The chick fledged on 6/20, but would come back to the nest for food when the parents brought it in.

Below you can see Deyani with her mother, Angel. The camera on the nest foreshortens everything, so towards the bottom looks larger than at the top, but I think it likely Deyani is female. You can see the tail better here. This young hawk also does not have the orange chest which is common in the Eastern RT juveniles in and just out of the nest, but fades as they get closer to migrating in September. 

Here is more of a close-up of the tail. Best to grab the pic while I can. Deyani is in and out of the nest, and soon will not return. Camera is stationary, so can't move around to find her.

(Ledge Nest)

A new nest just discovered at Beth Israel in Boston, MA.  Two nestlings just hatched, late April.

This link may change. Just go to it, and click on the home address. They seem to reset the stream from time to time.

Red Shoulder Hawk

Started with 3 chicks. One disappeared somewhere.

Peregrine Falcon

Hattie and Orton, our local pair. Sometime in the night of 4/28-29 the first two eggs hatched. Other two followed in next couple days. All seem to be doing well.


First egg 3/27


Ferruginous Hawk in Michigan

Link to look at movement . . . in case it comes my way.

Great Bird Feeder Cams
Definitely not all inclusive! Just a few favorites!