Sunday, August 7, 2011

Another Artist

The picture above is a terribly nice close-up of my last Red-Tailed Hawk, Bailey.  Last year we went hunting in Rochester along with two ladies, both artists, who also work in photography.  One of these two ladies, Amber Hill, was kind enough to allow me to place her picture here on my blog.  I just love the exquisite details of this picture!  Click one more time on the picture for an even more close up view.

Amber is a graphic artist whose creative work is inspired by nature.  You can view her work at this link:

Artist Amber Hill


  1. Wow! Nice closeup.
    I'm currently reading the backlog of archives on your Ladyhawker blog- I'm in February of '07 as of now.

  2. Thanks for visiting Motaki! I hope I don't bore you too much. It's a lot of years of rambling. Soon I'll have new posts, as trapping season is about to begin.
