Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Slow Motion Sumi

Both birds are making good progress in their training.  Chimera is flying to me on the creance outside, and appears to be well wed to the lure.  I want to work with her just a little more, taking her to other locations and getting the full creance length out before I risk free flight.  I do not want a repeat of what happened last year.

Sumi is flying to the glove short distances inside.  I am now working with her inside my garage, but these videos were while still in my living room.  I asked Rich to take a slow motion video to show off the strength with which she leaps to get airborne.  I follow with a normal speed so you can see just how quickly all the action takes place.  Strong leg muscles push them up so the strong muscles in the wings can take over.

Both birds are now free lofted in their respective mews.  I like to get to this point as quickly as possible to minimize any possible feather damage from bating against the perch.  Also, I think a free lofted hawk is a much more comfortable bird.

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