Sunday, November 19, 2023


For now, as I write this, Sunday, November 19, my 2023/2024 Falconry Season has come to a crashing halt.  It remains to be seen if I will be able to salvage any part of it.  I hope so . . . because sitting in the house right now is driving me nuts!

For quite a few years I have been dealing with advancing arthritis, especially in my left knee.  For the most part, I've been able to work around the pain, and can still walk, and perform my daily tasks of self-care and housework, as well as work full time at a job that sometimes has me on my feet quite a bit. This has come to a screeching halt as of November 9.

To my mind, it is actually a stacking of events and conditions, as I still suspect there may be more going on right now than just the debility of my leg. That remains to be seen after tomorrow. I will be seeing Dr. Stephen Wisniewski, a physiatrist, for removal of fluid, and hopefully a game plan on what to do next. Unfortunately, I may be looking at a knee replacement at some point in my not too distant future. The longer I can put that off, the better, but returning to normal walking would be the first goal. For now, I'm using a cane, and just treading across the yard is a challenge. 

So, how about some medical pictures. These are my x-rays from this last Wednesday, November 15.  The first one is anterior (the front side of me). Look at the lack of space on that left knee, which is on the right on the picture. Those two bones are NOT SUPPOSED TO TOUCH!!

Here is the view posterior.  This time that troublesome knee is on the left. Compare the space difference between the two, and you can see how that left knee joint is just rubbing away, causing all kinds of trouble for me.

Below is a lateral (side) view taken as I lay down on the x-ray table. It mentally hurts me just looking at what I feel all the time.

According to my medical record, the radiologist that read these "films" (funny to call them that, because x-rays are no longer developed like old-school photography, but is all digital now), what you are looking at above is:

"Tricompartmental arthritis left knee with marked medial compartment narrowing. Advanced patellofemoral arthritis. Moderate effusion or synovitis. Degenerative changes, right knee."

I'm hoping after the procedure tomorow, and maybe some physical therapy, I can at least regain somewhat normal ambulation. Whether it will be good enough to return me to uneven fields and falconry is the daunting question. If I had any other bird, I would cut them lose and just focus on my own recover, however I have found in Seneca a bird that I truly would like to hang onto for awhile. I feel bad that I cannot offer her free flight right now, but there is no way I can chase after her. 

As for other concerns, some aspects of my physiology are sympathetically joining in on the pity party.  Leading up to the day all of this changed, I had mildly sprained my right ankle stepping into the street in front of my house, resulting in my almost face-planting. Because of this, I put extra unwanted strain on my compromised left knee, which probably helped to exacerbate the situation. Also, I received my yearly flu and Covid vaccination a few days prior. I found out later, from my primary healthcare provider, that the Covid booster offered this year was different from what the staff have received in the last couple years. I did have a very strong reaction to it, body wide aching. However I sucked it up, and on Wednesday, November 8, I flew my bird for the last time this season, so far. I pushed myself because she was ready, and it was a nice day, even though I didn't feel the greatest. For her part, she did smack a rabbit in the very thick brush we were working, but strangely as I toddled my way over to her, not quick enough, she lost her grip and it got away. She must not have had a very good hold of it through all the bramble. We hunted a little longer, but I was just in so much pain I called it a day early.  I was just about bed-ridden the next day.

I have been dealing with the leg pain, but I'm also having pain from my low back into both legs, and they feel strangely weak. I also fatigue very easily right now. I really don't know what is going on, and maybe after my procedure tomorrow, and some physical therapy, I'll be on the mend. I hope so, because Google gives up so many horrifying alternatives.  

For now, I'm benched. 

Hopefully not for the whole season . . . and definitely hopefully not for good.  

UPDATE 11/20/2023

Procedure today in Sports Medicine. My doctor removed 73mL of synovial fluid from that joint space. He joked that it was a record for him, and that I deserved a trophy. I'll just be happy with return to functionality. In its place, I received a steroid injection. Now I am home resting my leg, with several more days off. Hopefully the healing commences.

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