Monday, September 16, 2019

2019-2020 Falconry Season

The seasons turn, and Autumn approaches.  A new falconry season is upon us.  On Friday, September 13 I spotted the first juvenile red tail this season.  I know it is hard to see in this picture, but trust me, that is a passage bird.  I tried to get closer for a better picture, but then bumped this bird who flew across the road and out of view.  She was actively hunting.  If I had a trap, and a desire to catch her, I probably would have been able to, easy.

That same night I slipped into Wyvern's chamber, after dark, and using a strobe light blinded her so I could catch her up.  I have not had any hand on her since last March or April, when I set her up for the molt.  She is looking sleek and beautiful in her fresh new wardrobe of feathers, but she is a fatty and we have a lot of work to bring her down and get her fit for the season. 

Let the work begin!

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